Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MARK DOES NOT WANT ME "THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO", HE SAID,OF MY SUBMITTING MY OWN PICS TO SITES. 911...SYLVIA LYDIA MORELOS hate crimes brutal here. trying to force me to stay. i hate san francisco. sexual violence i encounter in the tech lab (or don't come back, sylvia, for their perversions to continue), every time i'm here and they don't pay attention to the services here just harassing me. Mark encourages the intimidation. Sal in the afternoon does the same. 911. i'm tired of living in fear, of my LIFE, my family and friends lives, my PROPERTY is ALWAYS GETTING STOLEN, and they are THREATENING TO STEAL MY SSDA electronic via the GENERAL DELIVERY 94142 and iff i "lose" it. entrapment also. sexually harassed all the time. gang members running the sanctuary and their friends involved, STAFF IS PERVERSE there in more ways than one. My reservation ends tomorrow. i left TODAY. I hate these criminals. 911. Women Under audacity of their entitlement of these types just ASTOUND me. hate crimes against me are brutal...please read and Sylvia Lydia Morelos and Sylvia Sun Sol on google. I'm a poet and writer and a former writer for the UCLA DAILY VIEWPOINT in 1997, BA '03, Latin American Studies. I"M ALSO A LIBERTARIAN, yes, OFFICIALLY. Hate crimes against me based on gender, politics, EDUCATION, DISABILITY (?), crimes against humanity (systematic), MEXICAN partly has also been an issue for these types at the sanctuary, and being DECENT AND NON CRIMINAL aside from being HIGLY EDUCATED, and my faith (persecution of, uh, no i'm not into fundamentalism. If Mark comes in here to intimidate me with his hoodrats and fellow sex offenders i will puke. 911. Thanks. Gang violence and stalking including by them is being promoted here. Sylvia Lydia Morelos 713 987 3933,,, and All, (cults and cults leaders, dangers of, please read). freedom of exprssion is a right and the hoodrats who are sooooo territorial about their social services, including GA, will and threaten rape and try to make ME out to be crazy. civil liberties and human rights abuses by these places (aforementioned) are extremely high. they threaten to steal from me at general delivery including my storycorps CD from the library of congress (where at the sanctuary one staff who is on the phone all day and openly abrasive to decent women promised to break it in two if it got there. i never got it. ) I DO NOT LIKE BEING MANHANDLED, TECHNO STYLE OR OTHERWISE. the sanctuary needs to be shut down. abuses are extreme and so are the cover ups and in the tenderloin tech lab too. they pride themselves on this shit. Sylvia Lydia Morelos

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